Case Studies


Meta Ads
PPC Advertising

42.37% of total revenue generated by Facebook ads

This case study is a lesson in not underestimating the small wins. Or, another opportunity to roll your eyes at the “it’s a marathon not a sprint” cliche.

We’ve worked with Hairhouse for three years now, and our partnership has been defined by consistent and constant progression. With no stone unturned, our broad strategy meant utilising a variation of social channels and adapting to changing consumer behaviour (hello, pandemic spending).

And while it may be a cliche, just like the proof being in the pudding, the data is in the sauce.


Our Partnership Highlights

  • 2020 saw a 14.22 ROAS
  • June 2019 saw 42.37% of total revenue generated by Facebook ads
  • Over the past two years, Facebook ads have attributed over 25% of Hairhouse’s total revenue

We put the foot on the throttle to build warm audiences, developing acquisition campaigns to get conversions. As a result of one of these campaigns, 350 piercing/salon appointments were scheduled in December 2020.

Part of having such a strong partnership meant being able to trial and test. From collaborative ads, collection ads, carousels, instant experiences, branded content, influencer campaigns; with Hairhouse, we’ve really done it all.

By using a broad range of social channels - and adjusting creative to suit these channels - we became target-audience assassins. No matter where a user was spending their time online, we could reach them.

Being able to hit such a high ROAS came down to the small, reachable targets we made - consistently checking and optimising each campaign’s CPM, CTR and CPC were key. Just like the minor adjustments a skilled sailor makes to their sail with every change to the wind (promise we’re done with the cliches now).


Biggest Takeaway

No matter how big the brand is there is always more work to be done - we’re always pushing boundaries together.

video, design and digital content bottle
google ads bottle
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