
Paid Socials

250+ daily app sign ups over three months

Flux Finance is all about providing young Australians with the tools to increase their financial knowledge and independence.

As we do with every client, we started our partnership with Flux by establishing measurable goals that we could track during our time working together.

One of our overarching goals was to reach 100 Flux account sign ups a day; so we went away, put out DataSauce thinking caps on, and developed a strategy which would do exactly that.


The Strategy

So, how’d we do it?

Flux had a unique selling point and a specific target audience of young Australians.

And us? Well, we knew exactly where to find them: Every young Aussie’s new favourite platform, TikTok (@flux.finance).

TikTok advertising is cheaper than Facebook ads, which meant we could create a higher volume of ads, garnering a broader range of attention to their account.

To compete with the sheer amount of content that TikTok generates per second, we worked on a strategy which pushed Flux’s point of difference. Flux began to post organic content of bite-sized financial news on the app, which engaged audiences and filled a gap in the online TikTok market.

We pushed their organic content as paid ads, repurposing and integrating content which may have been lost in their algorithm. As this wasn’t time consuming, and the ads were cheaper, we were able to scale quickly with lots and lots of content.

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The Results

Like layering a good jumper and coat, our double-up strategy was a sure-fire winner. And the proof was in the data:

  • 250+ sign ups daily over three months
  • 315.2k likes on TikTok
  • 10k new followers on TikTok

There’s also been awesome milestones for Flux since our collaboration, including their recent podcast episode with federal Treasurer and deputy Prime Minister, Josh Frydenburg.

The key takeaway? Knowing how to effectively harness different platforms, using your strategy to combat potential issues, and knowing exactly what your customer wants.

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Paid Socials
Mobile Apps