
Paid Socials

150% increase YoY 
in sales

TikTok is one of the rare platforms where marketing magic can only happen at the intersection of good music and good visuals, requiring a whole nother skill-set when it comes to creative.

And with one billion active users, this magic is David Copperfield level.

Karst gave us a ton of USPs to work with - like its non-toxic production using sustainably recycled stone, friction-free writing, tear-resistance, and entirely waterproof qualities. All we had to do was add a little spice, and turn these into a magnet for curious website visitors.

Learn how we got TikTok users from Australia, US, and the EU watching our Karst videos for a total of 1,290 hours (and counting as we speak).

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Our Partnership Highlights

  • 99.5% of all traffic driven from TikTok were new users.
  • 282.8% YoY increase in European sales, 245.6% YoY increase in Australian sales, and a 157.6% YoY increase in US sales.
  • 232,000+ views on TikTok in less than three months.

The Strategy

Knowing the selling points we wanted to showcase, it was then about how to do that best.

As always, we began by searching for the most valuable audience segments for our client’s brand. With Karst, it was creative (and eco-friendly) individuals aged 18-34.

Quite serendipitously, that included most of us at the DataSauce headquarters… and approximately 60% of all late-night TikTok addicts.

We stayed up to date with the latest trends, sounds, influencers and advertising mechanisms, and gradually honed our own best practices with learnings acquired.

Viral videos on TikTok are often part of a series - a popular style adopted whether you’re on the art, Alt. or astrology side of the app’s algorithm - and we applied the same formula with Karst.

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Our in-house design team’s “Karst vs. (Item)” series built a steady following, as we consistently managed the account to boost user interactivity, engagement and branding.

In the series, we ripped the notebook, soaked it, heated it, and downright thrashed it. But its durability is truly unparalleled, and we provided potential customers with first-hand confirmation.

Following a UGC format also meant that our Karst videos did not fall victim to the infamous sponsored ads scroll past, keeping viewers hooked throughout.    

At a cost-effective CPM, TikTok ads drove traffic to the Karst website faster than Daniel Ricciardo on circuit, and at a healthy CTR of 2.54% - higher than on other channels.

Paid socials further accelerated growth in the EU and AU markets, and Karst recently saw their 2022 planners sell out worldwide before December 2021 even began.

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Biggest Takeaway

No matter your campaign objective, we find the perfect channel to do the job, then learn continuously to develop ways in which new strategies can be executed for maximum efficacy.

Karst TikTok Example

No matter your campaign objective, we find the perfect channel to do the job, then learn continuously to develop ways in which new strategies can be executed for maximum efficacy.

  • Conversion Tracking
  • Targeted Distribution
  • Audience Optimisation
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Paid Socials