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Pre-Sale CRM oversights (that your brand might be making)

As Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) approaches, brands should be extra diligent in avoiding common email marketing mistakes. We unpack some of them.

As Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) approaches, brands should be extra diligent in avoiding common email marketing mistakes amid the most critical sales period. Klaviyo predicts that 45% of BFCM shoppers this year will be existing database members…

So, heavy focus should be on nurturing loyalists and ensuring you’ve got all bases covered.

We’ve audited, analysed and managed over 100 Klaviyo accounts. 

In fact, DataSauce managed Klaviyo accounts surpassed $5M in attributed CRM revenue during Cyber Week alone last year.

Here’s an expanded look at a few simple oversights we’ve noticed time and time again, how to avoid them, and how to consequently excel this BFCM:

1. Not testing different offers?

Might mean you’re shooting shots in the dark. 

During BFCM, competition is fiercer than ever, and customers are overwhelmed with promotions. Not testing offers in the lead-up to a peak sale can leave your brand lost in the crowd. Prioritise A/B testing different types of discounts, bundles, or value-add propositions to determine which resonates most with your audience and drives the most sales, and let this inform the direction you go in for the remainder of BFCM.

Some examples: 30% Off (*Fact: 66% of Millennial shoppers are open to switching brand preferences if offered at least a 30% discount), maybe gifts with purchase, or a lucky dip?

2. Wrong flow filters on flows? 

Sends the wrong message to the wrong audiences.

BFCM often brings an influx of new customers, and existing customers may behave differently. Ensure your email flows are well-segmented to cater to these varying behaviours (i.e. you wouldn’t send a brand introduction to someone who’s shopped with you three times already). Always consider separate flows for new customers, returning customers, and loyal advocates.

3. Not collecting zero-party data? 

You’re missing out on crucial information for strategic future-planning.

Zero-party data, like wishlists or product preferences, can be invaluable during BFCM. Collecting this data ahead of time allows you to send hyper-personalised recommendations and deals that align with what your customers truly want, at the time that matters most.

4. Poor deliverability and landing in spam?

Is no different from tossing your efforts down the drain.

Deliverability issues are even more critical during BFCM – a time your emails need to be seen. Monitor your email performance closely, run deliverability tests, and maintain a pristine sender reputation.

The last thing you want is for your brand to end up alongside scams and spam.

5. Lack of product education in flows?

Makes it really difficult for customers to differentiate you from the rest.

BFCM is an opportunity to highlight your product USPs. Insufficiently educating your customers about your offerings can result in missed sales, missed five-star reviews, missed opportunities overall. Incorporate detailed product descriptions, use cases, and customer testimonials in your email content – and don’t forget to make it engaging.

You want to provide just enough information that it piques interest, but still incentivises recipients clicking through to learn more.

6. Not using zero-party data? 

Then why’d you spend all that time collecting it?

It goes without saying, it’s important to leverage zero-party-data year-round, but even more so during BFCM. Send tailored recommendations based on this data to boost cross-sell and upsell opportunities, and make your customers feel like you can read their minds.

7. Forgot about the post-purchase experience? 

It’s giving: Getting into a relationship and no longer putting it effort.

Don’t consider the transaction or exchange complete after BFCM. Continue engaging with your customers through post-purchase emails, vibe checks, asking for reviews, and suggesting complementary products or services to keep the purchase cycle in full swing.

8. Split testing elements that don’t move the needle?

Your customers may not be that affected by the choice of Navy Blue or Midnight Blue.

In the run-up to BFCM, focus your split testing efforts on elements that can actually have a significant impact on your campaign’s success, such as subject lines, CTAs, or promotional messaging. Avoid minor changes that take up time, but won’t substantially affect results.

9. Conditioning customers to expect discounts?

Other value-add messaging angles could resonate better with audiences…

While BFCM is typically known for deals, you don’t need to rely solely on discounts – especially within verticals where this deviates from your brand ethos. And this extends past peak sales periods too. Use your flows to provide value in other ways (e.g. exclusive access, rewards), to avoid conditioning your customers to expect promotions year-round.

10. Lack of content variation in campaign emails?

Yawn. Would you feel excited opening repetitive emails over and over again?

Keep your BFCM email content fresh and engaging. Incorporate a mix of content, including product highlights, customer stories, and useful tips, to keep subscribers interested.

11. Flows not covering the entire customer lifecycle?

Is essentially creating loopholes for drop-offs at potentially crucial touch-points.

To keep all email touch points relevant throughout this shopping period, prepare BFCM-focused email flows that cater to different stages of the customer journey – from awareness and consideration emails to cart abandonment and post-purchase follow-ups. 

This can be done by simply cloning your existing suite and updating any necessary information or offers. Then, once the sale is over, switch your existing flows back on. If you’re really clued in (like we are), you can subsequently optimise your old flows by applying any new winning formulas you’ve uncovered during Cyber Week.

So... Where to now?

By addressing these email marketing mistakes and tailoring your strategies specifically for the BFCM week, you’ll be better equipped to stand out in the crowd, engage your audience effectively, and drive higher sales during this crucial shopping period.

We do have one more suggestion though… BFCM period also means heaps on any business owner, marketing manager, or in-house digital lead’s plates. 

Our CRM experts are well-equipped to assist with this pillar on your behalf, with special BFCM packages curated for your brand (incl. automations, campaigns, flows, the whole shebang) to any level of complexity you’d like. 

Contact us today, or check out our Klaviyo Platinum Master credentials here.  

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